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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Winnipeg police apprehend suspect in $10K bank robbery

Winnipeg police say they have apprehended a suspect after a $10,000 bank robbery last Friday.
Police say they responded to an afternoon robbery at the 1500 block of Regent Avenue West.
Police say officers were told that ten minutes past 1 p.m. a man entered the bank, presented a note to an employee, indicated he was armed, and demanded money. The weapon he claimed to have was not visible.
The man then collected $10,000 and left the bank in an unknown direction.
On Sunday, investigators raided a hotel in the 300 block of Waterfront Drive and arrested the suspect without incident. Officers recovered a quantity of the stolen money after a search of the room.
A 65-year-old man has been charged with robbery and detained.
