Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Winnipeg police ask for public’s help identifying assault suspect

The Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) is calling on the public to help it identify a suspect accused of assaulting a 64-year-old woman.
Police said on Nov. 17, 2023 in the evening, the victim was waiting for her bus in the 2300 block of McPhillips Street when a man she didn’t know confronted her.
The man seemed agitated, officers said, and after a short conversation forcefully pushed the 64-year-old to the ground. The WPS said she needed medical attention for her injuries.
Police said the suspect then ran away with a woman, while a Good Samaritan helped the victim.
The suspect is described as being a man in his 20s, thin and about six feet tall, officers said.
The major crimes unit continues to investigate.
